miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

Chess and curiosities

Chess is a game between two players which they have sixteen mobile pieces that they place in a board divided in 64 spaces. It´s considered one of the most strategy sports in the world. The complexity of the game is known about the rules, the principles or fundaments and study theory. It haves a simple random part and it´s the election of the color of the pieces. It´s for all the ages and the preparation of the game is only 1 minute. There are a lot of casual games between four to sixty minutes but in tournament games, the time sandal since 2 minutes to 7 hours. The 16 pieces of the game are composed by one king, one queen, two rooks, two nights, two bishops and eight pawns, each piece with a different movement.
Curiosities of the game:

  • All the possible  combinations exceed the number of atoms of the universe
  • The longest game of chess that is theoretically possible is 5,949 moves.
  •  The first chessboard with alternating light and dark square (as it appears today) was made in Europe 1090.   
  • According to the America's Foundation for Chess, there are 169,518,829,100, 544,000,000,000,000,000 (approximately 1.70x10 29) ways to play the first 10 moves of a game of chess and they thought a computer would solve chess.The longest chess game ever was I.Nikolic - Arsovic, Belgrade 1989, which ended in 269 moves.
  •   There are 400 different possible positions after one move each. There are 72,084 different possible positions after two moves each. There are over 9 million different possible positions after three moves each and over 318 billion different possible positions after four move each other.
  •  Number of distinct 40-move games in chess is far greater than the number of electrons in the observable universe. The number of electrons is approximately 10^79 , while the number of unique chess games is 10^120.
  • New pawn move, where pawns were allowed to advance two squares on its first move instead of one. First, was introduced in Spain in 1280. The first chess game played between space and earth was on June 9, 1970 by the Soyez-9 crew. The game ended in a draw.                                   
                                                                                                            J orge Cerviño Alonso

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